Following a recent discussion with staff from the RAF Disclosures team I was made aware that RAF Service Records can now be ordered online rather than having to complete the relevant forms which had to be posted along with any supporting documents & payment.
If you have been keeping up with my previous blog posts then you will know that pre 1964 service records are set to move to the National Archives at Kew over a 6-year period.
Keen to ditch the old-fashioned system we all previously knew; you can now apply online via the website by going through an online application which asks many of the same questions that the paper application did.
There are however certain criteria that has to be met & you can only apply online if any of the following are true: -
· you’re the person’s immediate next of kin
· the person died more than 25 years ago
· the person died less than 25 years ago but you only want basic information about them - for example, the date they joined and left the armed forces

To complete this process online you still need: -
a digital copy of the death certificate of the person you’re requesting the records of in the correct format (PDF, JPG or PNG)
a debit or credit card
Note that you will not get an immediate copy of the service records on completion of this application, it will have to go via the normal channels to check your application before issuing it to you & may be subject to delays or backlogs.
It is worth noting that postal applications for the Army, Navy, Home Guard or Marines will still have to be made.
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